FOAB Information

Sunday 19 September 2021

Yep, I'm A Lefty

The best place to be politically is in the centre and that is where most people start and then move slightly to the left or right but over time people tend to move about but some go to the far side of their political leanings which is something i see time and time again, especially with bloggers for some reason.
I have seen many friends slide past me to the edges of the left and seem confused that i don't join them way out there and no more so than the current Texas ruling on abortion.
My opinion on abortion has always been to not have an opinion on it, that decision is far too important to have someone else opine on it so i have delibretly stayed away from it.
It isn't just a thing on the left, i have known people who have shifted so far right that they are unrecognisable and having some raging racists in positions of power recently just seemed to think it was safe for them to break cover and speak and write some utter nonsense.
Anyone who reads this blog will quickly notice that i am obviously on the political left and no doubt right wingers will read my words and consider what i put out there is utter nonsense and i am fine with that, it is a compliment that someone with a right wing view doesn't agree with me, would be worrying if they did to be honest, but i do wonder if ALL my views are lefty.
The origins of left and right go back to France where those who wanted to maintain the status quo with a monarchy sat on the right side of the political chambers while those who wanted change and a republic sat on the left and in many ways that hasn't really changed.
The right wing today seem to want to keep things as they are or to regress back to a 'better time' while the left want to change things in order to reach the 'better times'.
When i look around there is much wrong with things today, we are wrecking the environment, still have a long way to go with regards to civil rights, equality is still an important issue and Capitalism has gone way too far with the richer growing ever richer and the poorer ever poorer and Democracy needs a long overdue overhaul and don't even get me started on wars.
Going with the original meaning of the left wanting to change things in order to reach that 'better' state, i am completely on the left because if the right believe this is as good as it is going to get, then i really don't think they have been paying attention.

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