FOAB Information

Sunday 14 November 2021

Not Remembering

It's the same every 11th November, our leaders stand around looking solemn and laying wreaths at the Cenotaph to remember those military personnel who have died in Wars Britain has got themselves into.
I avoid it but not because i don't feel huge sympathy for those who have died and their families, but because if you speak to any of the older generation who fought in WW2, many returned converted pacifists and my own Grandfather refused to attend the Remembrance Days himself, saying why would he want to remember such horror.
Maybe it is time to stop the remembering because it no longer seems to be about the muck and bullets, the families torn apart and the broken young minds and bodies forever haunted by what they saw it has also become a remembrance of the awful recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the wars which were started for reasons other than those stated.
The warnings have not been heeded, wars continue apace and the awful death tolls go on increasing and if the people involved refused to remember it, what exactly is the point?
Over time, as we have become embroiled in conflicts that our leaders have found hard to justify, the sacrifices of the past have been used not to deter us from war, but to lend legitimacy to new wars, using the image of the fallen to encourage new recruits to their armies and to try and silence dissenters by lionising the young men and women who will be sent to fight and possibly die on foreign battlefields.
This serves the interests of those who, for political reasons, want to encourage our involvement in foreign wars by tossing out the usual cliches such as 'defending our freedom' and 'keeping us safe' but although that was the case in 1939, our freedom or safety was not at stake in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya or Kosovo and nobody can argue otherwise, although the politicians and useful idiots did at the time.
Far be it the Western soldiers being in danger, it is the unarmed civilians who are most at risk, the military are trained for war and are heavily protected while civilians have to do whatever they can to survive while the military with advanced weaponry and in recent cases of drone attacks are thousands of miles away, destroy all around them.
So excuse me while i do my shopping instead of looking sad and laying wreaths at monuments to the sadly fallen as i do not want to be supportive of any Government that holds the power to decide whether to send other people's sons, husbands, wives and daughters to war and kill and die for it for deceitful reasons.

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