FOAB Information

Sunday 14 November 2021

COP 27 Not Game Changing

Greta Thunberg called it blah, blah, blah but Boris Johnson is excitedly saying it is a 'game-changing agreement that the world needed to see' and that the 1.5C increase remains within reach which isn't what the climate scientists are saying, they are telling us that the idea of keeping the warming to 1.5C is 'dead' and is more likely to be between a best possible result of 1.8C if everyone who does what they promised actually does it and a worst of 2.4C.
Pre COP 26, the Climate Action Tracker Group said we were heading towards a global rise of 2.7C, after the game changing agreement it's an average of 2.1C which i wouldn't call  game changing at all, not even in the same county let alone ball park although it may have been naive of those of us who hoped for better from our leaders doing this for the 26th time when the previous 25 had had so little effect.
The finger is being pointed at India and China who refused to sign off on the agreement until the wording stated that they would "phase down" rather than "phase out" coal which the Prime Minister, desperate to not have anyone pee on his 'success', tried to spin as 'You phase down on the path to phasing out', and then explained that it would be discussed further at COP 27, in Egypt.
The UN Secretary-General António Guterres was sadly, completely correct when he said that 'Climate change is moving faster than we are'. 

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