FOAB Information

Monday 15 November 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Pope Eugenius IV

It took me a little while to take the Pope hat, my uncle, Pope Gregory XII put me on the road to the Vatican when i was only 24 but the political leaders objected saying that i was far too young so he made me the papal treasurer instead and Cardinal Priest of the Basilica of San Clemente.
When my Uncle died i was elected the top Catholic and immediately upon assuming the papal chair, i got involved in an argument regarding slavery which i was very much against, well, against making slaves of the black Christians anyway and i passed a ruling that said anyone found to be enslaving Christians of any colour would be excommunicated, do what you want with the other black's but don't take the God bothering ones.
With that sorted i was getting ready to kick back and enjoy the trappings of being Pope when the inconvenient question arose of what happens to people who haven't been wicked enough to deserve Hell but also not quite holy enough to ascend to Heaven so we scanned the Bible for a guide to what happens to those people and found zip.
Because saying just shut up and don't ask tricky questions wasn't cutting it anymore, we got together a council in Florence and put our holy heads together and came up with the resolution that if a person does not fulfill the entry requirements of either heaven or hell, they go to a place called Purgatory which is like a holy waiting room.
The plebs seemed happy enough with that at first and went back to the usual questions about how hard specifically are they allowed to beat the non-Christian slaves (hard but not enough to kill them), can we really kill homosexuals, anyone who works on Sunday, women who are not virgins when they get engaged, women who are raped and adulterers (yes, its all in there in the Bible so knock yourselves out) but theologians soon discovered another problem with our new purgatory as in those who didn't realise they had been born into sin such as babies who died before they have a chance to be baptized and those who lived and died before Jesus was born.
Our original take was they go to Hell but that didn't fit so well with the all loving God so we said they go to Purgatory as well and although we never checked, im sure God was cool with us editing his word as we went along, if not then it's his fault because he should have made it clearer.

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