FOAB Information

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Boris Letting The Bodies Pile High

Not one to make the same mistake twice when he can make it three times, Boris Johnson and his Government have decided that despite being pilloried for locking down late previously, they have decided to ignore the medical advisors in his team and not lock down at all this time.
They seemed to have latched on to the report that the Omicron Variant is more transmissible but milder than previous variants and is happy to let it rip through the nation which it is, today's number of daily Covid cases in the UK has hit the highest of the pandemic, 183,037, but it isn't just in the UK that is setting grim records, over the last few days Italy, Portugal, USA, France, Greece, Poland, Denmark, Australia, Cyprus and Iceland have all reported record daily Covid cases since the beginning of the pandemic.
The gamble from the Government seems to be that as the Omicron variant is milder, this will translate into less hospitalisations and deaths but as almost 3,000 more NHS beds have been taken by Coronavirus patients over the past week, the gamble is beginning to look a very wrong one especially as it takes 2 to 3 weeks for the figure to drip through and another further couple of weeks for the related deaths number so we will know by mid-to late January we will have a clearer picture of just how brilliant, or reckless, the PM's decision was.
The much lauded review on the 28th December came and went with no change to the current restrictions, which is close to no restrictions, so New Year Eve parties have been waved through to go ahead meaning another surge of infections to increase our already deplorable infection figures.
The Government seem to be desperate to not cancel Christmas and New Year Parties and are relying not so much on Medical Experts but crossing their fingers and hoping the full hospital beds and death toll doesn't rise too much but the current numbers rocketing up are from the pre-Christmas period,
when we get those figures late January it will be too late to lock-down then, the damage would have been done.
Boris's advice today was for us all to be sensible and take Lateral Flow Tests before doing anything which would be good if there wasn't a national shortage at Chemists and even the Government Website not having any to send out which is a bit of a flaw in his plan.
He may deny ever saying 'Let the bodies pile high', but it seems to be that is exactly what he is going to get.

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