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Wednesday 29 December 2021

NASA Invites Religious Folk For A Chat

I have never stopped a stranger in the street to try and convert them to Atheism but that doesn't stop religious folk bouncing up to me with their Bibles to try and convert me which pretty much always ends up with me patiently explaining why their man in the clouds is a bunch of hooey.
Not that it does any good, they just continue to ignorantly chunder on at me about whatever it is they believe in a one way conversation, uninterested in any debate which may open a chink of light in their closed mind but NASA has not waited for a overly cheerful loony to come to them, they have gone to them and invited Religious Scholars their views on their beliefs about divinity and creation if life was found on other planets.
Science has always challenged the Religious dogma from the Earth being at the Centre of the Universe to Evolution and the religious have had to adjust the to survive and at some point in the future we will discover life on other planets, or it will discover us, and that may be the step too far and finally the scales fall from so many eyes for those of the opinion that God's sole intent was to create people in his image here on Earth.
The invited include Christian Priests, Jewish Rabbi's, and Islamic Imam's who have accepted and stated that 'teaching would not be affected by the discovery of alien life'.
Science has done its best to show religion for what it is but the discovery of life in the other reaches of the Universe should be yet another body blow to religion on it's way to becoming something that future generations will look back on as a curiosity but i expect the religious leaders would 'find' the answer written in their holy texts somewhere amongst the Unicorns, dragons and horses with the heads of lions, creatures that are half-rooster and half-snake and fire breathing sea creature with multiple heads.

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