FOAB Information

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Since When Did Labour Take In Right Wing Idiots?

Usually, the Conservatives losing a loony right winger is a cause for celebration but why has Bury South's Christian Wakeford come over to the Socialist Labour Party? Socialists are all about Equality and fairness which is the exact opposite of the Conservatives who are all about self and greed and to hell to everyone else so on the face of it i can see nothing we would agree with him about.
Maybe he has changed his mind and realised that right wing policies are downright awful and spiteful but that side of the political fence don't normally have such a change in their shriveled up hearts and the They Work For You website shows he has a voting record any right wing imbecile would be proud of
In the two years since he became a Member of Parliament, he has voted voted three times against measures to prevent climate change, three times against measures to reduce tax avoidance and even voted against enabling domestic abuse victims to have access to benefits and is anti-EU, voting for a stricter asylum system.  
This is not even close to being a voting record of someone fit to be a Labour representative as the Momentum campaign group pointed out saying: 'He should be nowhere near the Labour Party'.
Why Wakeford would want to join our ideologically opposite side i don't know, there are other right wing parties he could join, but more confusing is why Keir Starmer would welcome such a revolting hard right MP to our Socialist Bosoms, unless he is planning to sack him and call a by-election in Bury South but that seems unlikely so bit of an own goal their Keir, we don't want him.

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