FOAB Information

Thursday 20 January 2022

UK Public Not As Stupid As Boris Looks

Hitler once said if you are going to tell a lie, make it a big one which is a lesson people like Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and the guy at the local garage have taken on board but there is another quote i like even more by a lady on the train this morning, 'They are so stupid that even they must realise how stupid they are'.
She was obviously referring to Savid Javid's decision yesterday to try and distract attention away from the regular piss up's in Downing Street by throwing Covid-19 restrictions, and therefore us, under a bus.
The lie the Conservatives are hoping that if they say enough times people will believe is that they have been proven correct to not bring in restrictions over the Christmas and New Year period and now because of that success, they can lift all of the restrictions and life can return to as normal as it can after a pandemic.
On the 1st December in the UK there were reported 48,374 positive cases, 123 deaths and 7,381 in hospital and yesterdays figures were 108,069 positive cases, 359 deaths and 18,979 in hospital so i'm not sure what they are using as a measure of success but more than double the number of positive cases and almost trebling the number of deaths and hospitisations does not scream success to me and certainly not time to life the restrictions.
You would need to be all kinds of gullible to not see that this is an attempt to distract from Boris Johnson's self inflicted disaster and i have yet to discuss it with anyone who doesn't believe that is exactly what this is and as for Sajid Javids insistence that Omicron is 'in retreat' and they can do this because the 'data allows it', that's not what the experts are saying.
The British Medical Association said it 'risks creating a false sense of security' which will 'inevitably increase transmission' and the NHS Confederation said 'now is not the time for complacency about this virus".
The NEU teachers union called it 'premature' while the UK'ss largest care home operators said they would ignore the Government and defy any attempt to weaken self-isolation rules while even the the Department of Health and Social Care said it was 'confusing' and Professor Martin McKee of the Independent Sage group said he was 'worried' by it while another Sage scientist, Prof Stephen Reicher, just summed it up with 'crazy'.
Boris said he would he would rather see bodies pile high than take the country into another lock-down and it seems he may get his wish, and to end on another quote: 'There's not a pill you can take; there's not a class you can go to. Stupid is forever' unlike the old and the vulnerable who are not forever but will be prematurely thrown under the bus, into a Crematoriums oven or into a hole in the ground
to save the PM's neck

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