FOAB Information

Friday 29 April 2022

Awful, Awful, Awful

You have to feel sorry for the journalists who are political sketch-writers because no matter how hard they try to satirize the goings on in the Government, the Government just satirizes itself even more.
The saying is that the fish rots from the head and the fishy head of the current Government is Boris Johnson who has made a career out of bouncing one from car crash to the next, sacked as a journalist for lying, resigned as Foreign Minister but not before getting the the prison sentence of the person he was meant to be negotiating the release for extended and as Prime Minister broke his own laws and now has a shiny new police fine to show for it.
Poland is blaming him for getting their Russian gas supply cut due to him blabbering that Poland was training soldiers to fight against them but if it was just him who was blatantly inept at his job that would be bad enough, but it seems the whole of the benches sitting behind him are just as awful.
Only today the Tory MP (Massive Pervert) Neil Parish was suspended for watching porn on his mobile phone in the House of Commons and The National Crime Agency raided Tory Peer Michelle Mone's home due to her fiddling £200m in PPE contracts during the pandemic.
Last week it was announced that three of the cabinet members were under investigation for sexual misconduct and another one, Imran Ahmad Khan, was convicted of child sexual assault and that's just over the past few weeks, previously we had illegally proroguing Parliament, lying to the Queen, using the pandemic to channel billions of pounds of public funds into the pockets of their friends, Brexit, Northern Ireland, wallpapergate, cummingsgate and partygate and one of the highest Covid death tolls per capita in the world.
John Major's Government was always held up as the high water mark of corruption and sleaze but this lot make put that one to shame and unbelievably the Government are running at 31% in the current polls which is below Labour but 31% of people look at the shambles before them and say: 'You know what, i would vote for them again'. Mind blown!!

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