FOAB Information

Friday 29 April 2022

Putin Following The Bush and Blair Playbook

A world power invading a country with no justification and being shocked at the resistance it received, we have been here before and it wasn't that long ago but there are many similarities between Russia going into Ukraine and America and Britain's horrendous misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan.
For Putin read Bush and Blair, two men who ignored and suppressed inconvenient information or span advice to launch devastating wars in the name of Terror, surrounded by yes men who put out propaganda to try and justify their actions, Putin said Ukraine was run by fascists, Bush/Blair said Afghanistan and Iraq were run by terrorists and in Saddam's case, were armed with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, none of which were ever found despite Colin Powell's best attempts to show otherwise at the United Nations.
The narrative is that we should explain to the people of Russia what their Government is doing in their name and try to stop it but i was one of two million who marched against the Wars in London and our Government took no notice so why do they think Putin would and the Russian media is being hammered for supporting Putin but almost every news outlet backed Bush's and Blair's Wars in Britain despite the obvious illegality of them.    
Just like Putin, they expected a quick victory, Bush was overly keen to claim 'Mission Accomplished' but the invading troops were in Iraq for a decade, they were in Afghanistan for two decades and left both nations in a continuing worse state than they found it and killing over a million people.
Putin is being held up as a war criminal who faces a future trip to the Hague but the Bush and Blair administrations faced no serious threat of prison despite Abu Ghraib, far too many gruesome massacres, extrajudicial killings and numerous probes by the International Criminal Court of crimes committed by US and UK forces.
There are many direct parallels between the horrendous action of Russia today and what Britain and America did under Bush and Blair two decades ago and as Putin is being rightly castigated for his actions, he is following the playbook we wrote to illegally invade two nations although many don't seem to see it that way, it was us after-all but warmongering leaders are not confined to only Russia.

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