FOAB Information

Saturday 16 April 2022

Dead Cat Job Done Perfectly

Of course the plan to send refugees who turn up in the UK to Rwanda is awful but it was always a badly thought out half plan which was rushed out to deflect the uncomfortable partygate fines handed out to the Prime Minster and Chancellor.
They knew that it would play well with the frothing at the mouth right wingers who support the Conservatives, kicking refugees is always a well loved right wing sport but it also had the effect of the dead cat on the table, notably people would get angry at this and not angry at the top two people in Government breaking their own lock-down laws and mission accomplished, it has done that also.
With everyone from the UN to their own Home Office Civil Servants speaking out against it, it is unlikely it will ever happen, the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, had to issue a 'ministerial direction' to force her plans through due to her own Civil Servants refusing to accept it and now that they are talking strike action over it, it seems she will have a fight on her hands to implement it.
The Lords are also threatening to kill it and some of the Tory backbenchers with a shred of morality in them are questioning how it will be cost effective when it will cost an initial £120m and then £30,000 to send each refugee to the African country.
Human Rights lawyers are also stating it will be contested in the law courts so it is highly unlikely that it will, quite rightly, ever see the light of day but that was the point in announcing it, it has deflected the attention away from Johnson and Sunak's Partygate fines and changed the Newspaper front pages and that was the raison d'ĂȘtre, that is the dead cat strategy the Conservatives always use when things get sticky.
It will fall away just like the announcements to order Navy patrols to push refugee boats back and the incredibly stupid 'massive fans' idea but by then weeks would have passed and the anger would have subsided, so they knew the Rwanda idea was always a non-starter and Priti Patel doesn't care that it makes her look a heartless bitch, she actually relishes that well deserved reputation, so job done.

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