FOAB Information

Friday 15 April 2022

Special Guest Blogger: William Walker

In today's language a filibuster is a politician who waffles on and wastes even more time than usual but in my day filibuster was the name given to daring adventurers who attempted to seize control of territory without the approval of the U.S. government.
I was a lawyer and it wasn't that we were arrogant, it was just because we were better than everyone else so i was a strong believer in Manifest Destiny which is the idea that the United States was meant to expand and bring civilization to the World and i started with the border regions of Mexico which they were struggling to maintain but it was frowned upon to invade a country with whom the U.S. was at peace with and although my original ship was confiscated by the authorities, i rounded up 50 men and found a ship to sail to Baja California in Mexico.
I captured the state capital of La Paz and proclaimed the region the Republic of Lower California and made myself President and invited Americans to come stay in the new country.
With this success under my belt, i began looking elsewhere to expand into but the problem was the locals were happy being Mexican for some unfathomable reason and didn't want me forcing civilization on to them so they we were pushed out and retreated all the way back into the U.S. where i was arrested for breaking the neutrality act and put on trial however i was found not guilty by a jury because i may have violated the law, but i was a hero to many.
I therefore naturally decided that the natural thing to do was to go back to filibustering but Mexico was out so instead me and 57 armed men headed for Nicaragua and joined in their civil war and although i was on the winning side, they booted me out but my arrival back in the US was greeted with a fanfare, god bless that arrogantly sweet Manifest Destiny fever still sweeping the nation.
Not one to give up i next washed up in Honduras and was promptly captured by British forces who handed me over to the Honduran government and was executed but after the American Civil War unauthorized invasions by citizens never picked up their popularity again, instead it was let to the Government to go into other countries and kill all their people and then come back twenty years later and make a movie about how killing your people made our soldiers feel sad.

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