FOAB Information

Sunday 3 April 2022

Pagan's Approve Of Your Easter Tree

A Jehovah Witness, Muslim and a Christian sounds like the start of a joke but it is the three people i said 'Nah' to today when they tried to hand me something and engage me in conversation about their flavour of religion but with Easter coming up, this is their time to shine or it would be if anyone but them really gave a stuff or even knew what Easter was about apart from eating your own weight in chocolate.
Easter with it's bunnies and bonnets has always been the poor relation to Christmas with its twinkly lights and decorations but walking through the town center shops this weekend i saw something new in the shape of Easter crackers, Easter wreaths, and even an Easter tree.
Obviously the Christian's and the shops are hoping that the long bank holiday weekend will begin to look a lot like Christmas with special Easter decorations in the shape of bunnies, chicks and eggs to hang from the twigs of the Easter tree which means we have gone full circle back to the Pagan Fertility Goddess Eostre who had all that and more in her Anglo-Saxon period celebrations.
What the Christian's are hoping is that everyone has forgotten that almost every Christian festival is taken from other older religious festivals and it was Saint Augustine who was responsible for the whole rubbing out the original Gods and pasting in his own Christian guy thing but he obviously got lazy with Easter and didn't change the name enough to disguise the origins of Eostre so decorate a tree, hang a wreath and enjoy looking at the liddle bunny rabbits and remember what Easter is all about, a celebration of a Pagan Goddess and nothing whatsoever to do with a guy and a cross.  

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