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Tuesday 5 April 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Emperor Maximinus Thrax

Growing up, you will be told that to be a success you must try hard at school, get a good education and try your best but sometimes growing into a a huge lump is all you need, well that worked for me.     
Coming from Barbarian stock and knowing about 4 words in Latin and two of those were swear words, ending up as Emperor of the Roman Empire was unexpected and it all started off when i approached Emperor Septimius Severus and asked if i could compete in the military games that he was holding.
He said why not and 16 beaten opponents later, he was impressed enough to offer me a job as his personal bodyguard.
I protected his body so well that when he died i became the the next Emperors personal bodyguard as well, then the next one, then the next one also and was made Tribune of the Fourth Legion, and was given a legion to train.
Eventually Emperor Alexander made me the commander of the entire Roman army, which didn't turn out well for him because that army rose up and executed him and the soldiers declared me Emperor.
The Senators were not pleased, we can't have a barbarian running the Empire they said but the army had spoken and they didn't want to argue with a few thousand men armed with swords so they begrudgingly accepted and it was all hail Maximinus!
Things began pretty quietly, i made a lot of cuts and put up taxes but i fixed the roads and infrastructure and even led a successful campaign into Germania but Rome was a very murdery place and i was always waiting for the Senators to replace me and after an unsuccessful coup, i got in first and began executing them.
Killing them didn't go down well with the surviving Senators who decided to not bother trying to kill me so when i was away in Gaul, they planned to just crown a new Emperor so they picked Pupienus and Balbinus, two of their own members, as co-emperors.
I said i wasn't haven't any of that and marched back to Italy to reclaim my rule, but when i came to Aquileia, i found the city gates closed, appears putting up taxes and cutting food really ticked off the citizens and they showed it by firing Sulphur and fire at me and my soldiers outside the gates.
The siege dragged on, the army ran out of provisions, and i blamed the soldiers and had the generals executed which united the soldiers, unfortunately united them against me and a group of them stabbed me in the head with their spears several times while i was sleeping which by some freak chance proved fatal.
They mounted my head on a pole to show the people of Aquileia i was dead and then sent it on to the Senate but as 238ad became known as the year of six emperors, i guess the next five didn't fare any better.

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