FOAB Information

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Christopher Reeve

I guess i am most well known for the four films i made, all with Superman in the title but my story starts off at Juilliard where i met Robin Williams, and then when i interned at a Theater where i met Katherine Hepburn who cast me for the role of her grandson on Broadway’s 'A Matter of Gravity' and put in a good word for me at CBS for their soap opera Love of Life.
Being linked to a global megastar was a massive help and an agent got me an audition for a high-budget, fantasy film with Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman and i was up against Al Pacino, Clint Eastwood and even Muhammad Ali for the part so i wasn't too hopeful but lady luck was still smiling on me and they said i had the look they were after and offered me the role as long as i bulked up before filming started.
Lady luck was certainly working overtime on me because the gym i signed onto to undergo a two month intensive bodybuilding regime included David Prowse, the man who played Darth Vader in Star Wars trilogy.
The film and it's sequel were huge and got plenty of nerds excited and made me a star but the third film tanked and the less said about the fourth the better but i was in danger of being typecast so i became picky over films i did, turning down Romancing the Stone and The Running Man and starred in theater productions until the right film came along which it did, Anna Karenina.
I had to learn how to ride a horse for the role and i bought a horse and spent months practicing, even participating in Horse Trials but alas, my luck had to run out eventually. Unfortunately for me, luck ran out at the third fence of a dressage event when my horse stopped abruptly and i went over the top and came down head first on the top rail, fracturing my cervical vertebrae and leaving me immobile from the neck down.
My old friend Robin Williams put on fundraisers and charity events to pay for my medical care but maybe what i needed most was a pillow because i developed a pressure ulcer which led to Sepsis and a heart attack.
Despite the poor later Films before i died, i did hear there were plans for a new Superman Film where he and Batman do battle and i wish i had lived long enough to see how a man who can move super fast, is super strong and can fly as well being invulnerable to pretty much everything while able to fire lasers from his eyes can possibly lose against a guy who dresses up as a bat and wears a belt.

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