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Tuesday 26 April 2022

Twitter And Free Speech

I don't know what Elon Musk's plans are for Twitter but it's his £35 billion so he can do what he wants with it but he has said that he is a 'free speech absolutist' so we can expect to see the likes of Donald Trump, Katie Hopkins and David Icke reinstated and back spitting out their nonsense.
The people on the right do seem to get incredibly angry about free speech, or rather the restriction in their ability to say whatever guff enters their tiny minds and take offense if anyone points out that what they are saying is racist, misogynistic or homophobic which is why i do not follow the Voltaire statement that he may not agree with you but he defends your right to say it, my line is i may not agree with you and you are a dick for saying it and you should be prevented from having a platform to say it on.      
I agree it is a slippery slope, who is the arbitrator of just what is offensive, i am sure that i have written some things which amused me but other people have found offensive but we do have a general idea of what is offensive, dangerous or deliberate misinformation and i am sure that the person doing the typing knows it also unless they are even more stupider than i give them credit for, and i really don't give them very much credit whatsoever.
So Free Speech isn't something i worry very much about and i have never understood how it is the cornerstone of Democracy so write feel free to write that all blacks being evil, that homosexuality is wrong or that pregnancy and getting pregnant is only the woman's responsibility as the right wing clown Quentin Smith did on his blog, it's them that come out of looking like bigoted jackasses and their defence of the right to say anything means we can call them small minded morons with an interesting assortment of issues.
Over to you Trump, Hopkins and Icke, i look forward to you and other right-whingers taking the opportunity to interpret free speech on Twitter as an opportunity to be complete bell-ends once again.

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