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Friday 22 April 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Leicester Hemingway

As anyone who has a more talented sibling will tell you, it is always a struggle to get out of their shadow and having the immensely famous Earnest Hemingway in the family meant that i really had to go big, so i founded my own country and called it the Republic of New Atlantis.
Now i didn't know if just creating your own country was allowed but nobody said i couldn't but then nobody said what the minimum size for a country was but some jealous people said a 8 x 30-foot bamboo raft anchored down by an old car engine near Jamaica was not a country, it was more of a raft, but it was deliberately placed in International Waters therefore no other nation had legal jurisdiction over it. 
To make it more official, i created a constitution which was the American one with the name scribbled out and Republic of New Atlantis written over it, a flag which my wife designed, stamps and a currency called the Scruple.
As the founder, i declared myself President and Jamaica was fine with it's new neighbour with its population of 4 as me, my wife and two daughters were not going to invade it anytime soon.    
For two years the glorious Republic of New Atlantis graced the World Stage and then it graced the beach of Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica when a storm blew it away but i had struck a blow for overshadowed siblings everywhere.
Although Ernest could never claim to be president of a country, i went from being a World Leader back to Ernest's little brother again so i did what anyone with a famous sibling should do, i wrote a best selling book about them called 'My Big Brother Ernest Hemingway' which was much easier than spending my days scraping barnacles off the bottom of my country.

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