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Thursday 21 April 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Sultan Ibrahim

As the the youngest child of Sultan Ahmed I's eight children, it was unlikely that i would become Sultan anytime soon but the Ottoman Empire was at that time a place of incredible levels of violence and paranoia so when my father died when i was two, my eldest brother, Murad IV, was concerned that one of his siblings would overthrow him, so he confined me to a prison and just kind of forgot about me.
As i was still at the crying and wetting myself if i couldn't find my blankie stage, he didn't consider me much of a threat unlike all my elder brothers who he had executed but what that meant was when he died after 17 years in charge, i was legitimately the only guy left to possibly take the throne when Murad died.
He did try to order my execution as one of his very last acts while on his deathbed but my mother never passed on his instructions before he died so they had no choice but to unlock my cell door, plonk a crown on my head and start calling me Sir.
Now spending your formative years in a prison cell can have an effect on a guy's mental and intelligence well-being and i went from a cell with only rats for company to having anything i desired, and what i really wanted was for my Palace to be decorated ceiling to floor in lynx and sable fur and for my subjects to pay for it, which they did through raised taxes.
I also had a harem of women who were willing to do anything for me and i liked my women big, i would scour the towns for the largest women i could find for my harem but where some people would see an orgy, i saw a harem of very big women who could take me out and after one threatened to stab me with a dagger after i tried to rape her when she said she had a headache, i had 280 of them drowned because better safe then sorry.
I did not make a lot of friends or allies with my actions, my own mother plotted with the elite Ottoman guard to overthrow me which resulted in my capture and imprisonment.
Being the loving mother that she was, she took pity on me and agreed that i would not be killed and would instead be kept in prison but that promise only lasted ten days before she ordered my execution.
My story then ended the same way it started, me stuck in a prison cell and i am remembered by the title Ibrahim the Mad but considering i spent my entire upbringing in a cage, was it any wonder i was more unhinged than a badly put-together door?

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