FOAB Information

Saturday 28 May 2022

Mass Shooting...Guess Where

Whenever the newsreader starts a story with 'There has been a mass shooting...' you just know the end of that sentence is going to be ' America' because like Mom's Apple Pie and pick up trucks, shooting kids while they attend school is a purely American thing as is doing absolutely nothing about it ever happening again because to some the right to own a gun is much more important that your kids surviving their education.
The usual statement from good ol' boys with NRA bumper stickers is that it is too soon to discuss gun control and that 'too soon' period seems to extend right up until the next mass shooting in which case the original 'too soon' period had lapsed and the next one starts.
Anyone with a few brain cells rattling around can see that it is blindingly obvious what America needs is someone to do something about the bat-shit crazy gun laws in their country, laws which make it perfectly legal for a kid on his 18th birthday to go buy a gun and ammunition in which to mow down 19 children and two adults in a classroom but they have to wait an unspecified amount of time to talk about it because
heaven forbid any new laws are made during a time of heightened emotions in the aftermath of yet another shooting rather than say on the anniversary of anyone burying their children who never made it into their teenage years.
From my reckoning, there is approximately a ten minute window between the armed shooter leaving his home with his killing machine and arriving at his targeted setting (school/workplace/supermarket) in which it is not 'too soon' and anyone wanting to discuss changing the gun laws can bring it up before the window slams down and the 'too soon' stopwatch resets as the first bullet ridden body of a student/colleague/shopper hits the floor.
In reality, what the sort of people who quote 'the second amendment' and parade around town proudly carrying military grade weaponry want is for the the window of opportunity, the window of actually doing something, closed before it has even opened which is exactly what happens and Joe Biden may say things like 'When in God's name are we going to do what we all know in our gut needs to be done?' but he knows the answer is never because despite everyone knowing what should be done, it won't be and the rest of the world will still be finishing that first line of the newsreader for many, many, many more mass shootings in the home of the second amender for decades to come.

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