FOAB Information

Saturday 28 May 2022

Relax About Monkeypox If Born Before May 1971

The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy put the number of Monkeypox cases at 226 across 21 nations and almost half of those cases are in Great Britain who has clocked up 106 although thankfully all cases have been mild with no fatalities.
Some more excitable people are declaring it a new global pandemic which will lead us back into lock-downs but they can be safely ignored because Monkeypox is not even in the same league as Covid-19 which has accounted for 6.3 million deaths Worldwide and counting.
Whereas Coronavirus is airborne and spread through coughs and sneezes, Monkeypox is contracted by contact with an infected person but most importantly we have a vaccine and most people would already have had it and are immune from most diseases which have the suffix -pox.
Anyone born before May 31 1971 in the UK would have legally have to have had a smallpox vaccine at 3 months of age, if parents of these children failed to comply with the legislation, they faced fines and even the possibility of jail time so if you are over 51 on 31 August 2022, congratulations you are protected by a vaccine with 95% effectiveness against anything which contains the word pox including poxy sheep, horses, fowl, cow, goat, swine and monkeys.
If you were born after May 1971 or your parents were in Dartmoor or Wormwood scrubs for an unexplained few months during your infancy, then you may need to be a bit more careful but for the rest of us pre-May 1971-ers, we can relax.

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