FOAB Information

Sunday 29 May 2022

Why Boris Shouldn't Quit

If we found out anything from the Sue Grey report into Downing Street lock-down parties, it was that the half-arsed response to the Pandemic could be explained by most of the people responding to it were either drunk or hungover.
With WTF (Wine Time Friday's) and WTT (Wine Time Tuesdays), Thursday was the only midweek day when a decision could be made when the decision makers weren't either pissed or recovering from being pissed unless of course if someone was leaving that day and even Thursday's then saw the mini-fridge stocked up with alcohol from the local off-licence.
Anyone with any self-worth would have trudged off to whoever runs these things to hand in their resignation in disgrace but this Government doesn't do disgrace, Boris Johnson and the top Civil Servants who were photographed necking bottles of booze in rooms full of people while being in rooms full of people was banned for the rest of us, have refused to resign and are hoping to divert attention away with the shiny baubles of financial help with the cost of living.
If all it took for the Government to actually give a toss about the people it represents then maybe they should get caught out having even more piss-ups but the opposition parties are not taking it and are insisting that the Prime Minister resign but i say hang on Keir Starmer and whoever that guy is currently in charge of the Liberal Democrats, think about this.
Anger at Boris Johnson is everywhere, he is easily the most unpopular Prime Minister since Margaret Thatcher in her Poll-Tax pomp and Tony Blair when he teamed up with George W Bush to invade Iraq so leave him in power because everytime he shows up on TV bumbling inanely about something or other, he is a constant reminder of how he and his gang partied while telling us the most important thing was to stay at home and protect each other and under no circumstances should we party.
More and more Conservative MP's are getting this and are saying how they can see their seats disappearing at the next Election so why would you want to remove a man who is continually punching his own people and the already discontent electorate in the face?
Just leave him there and let the sore fester and don't allow the Tories to say they have 'changed', 'moved on' or 'learnt their lessons' and come the next election, Boris won't be able to find a fridge big enough to hide from his enraged, now unemployed, colleagues and we can have some proper grown ups running things.

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