FOAB Information

Sunday 29 May 2022

The Green Levies Lie

The rising cost of gas and electricity has prompted calls from those sceptical of climate action, to remove the part of energy bills that help pay for things like renewable energy projects or home insulation to help lower bills.
One Conservative MP was on TV this morning repeating the line that green levies make up 25% of energy bills even when he was told that actually the green part of the bill is only 8% but he wasn't going to be put off his point by something as trivial as facts and ignored them, continuing to rant about Environmentalists and whatever other bee he had in his too tightly tied bonnet about people wanting to save the planet.
A UK government spokesperson later explained that: 'Energy bill increases are due to record-high wholesale gas prices and not green levies which represent a small fraction of bills' but again, that doesn't sit well with the anti-green lobby who wing on about wind turbines ruining the countryside and how coal and oil is the only solution.
Renewable sources generate 40% of the electricity produced in the UK so what we should be doing is pushing even harder to increase this percentage, we obviously have the technology in place creating the power to our plug sockets and the more we generate from wind, solar and tidal power, the less effect the wholesale prices have on our fuel bills.
The Good Energy website states there are 8,600 onshore wind turbines and 2,300 offshore turbines in the UK along with 500 solar farms and two working tidal power stations so if the Government can double what we have, that would account for 80% of the energy we need and we won't need to be subject to the whims of the energy companies profit margins.
The sticking point is that of the billions of pounds the energy companies make, more than a million of it has made it's way to the Conservatives coffers since 2019 so obviously they are in no rush to produce our own power as it would impact on their funding from those same companies so expect to hear the 25% Green Levies lie repeated again and again because if you tell a lie and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. 

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