FOAB Information

Sunday 12 June 2022

Some Victims Deserve More Sympathy Than Others It Seems

The general reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been brilliant, one of the World's most powerful militaries invading its much smaller and weaker neighbour in order to subjugate and take over it's land and although the military might of the Russian's will probably win out in the bitter end, the willingness of the Ukrainian's to fight back against the invader has been much admired which throws up the question, why is that willingness to applaud the brave Ukrainians not replicated when other nations are invaded?
The most obvious place is Palestine who have been fighting back against the invading Israeli's who have been killing them and stealing their land for almost 70 years, they are castigated for daring to fight back when the Israeli military swoops in to pull down their houses, break all sorts of International and Human Right's to kill, evict and steal their land.
The likes of Syria and Iran are vilified for supplying the Palestinians with the rockets to fight back against their murderous oppressors who launch the weapons supplied to them and paid for by the West, mostly America who financially back the Israeli forces.  
It as the West who invaded Afghanistan and Iraq but there was no rush to support the unfortunate victims of America and British weapons and the refugees fleeing the war-zone we created were not welcomed with offers to house them or heart tugging reports of scenes of devastation, if anything they were told in no uncertain terms that we didn't want them here.
So why was Benjamin Netanyahu and now Naftali Bennett not being compared to Hitler and why have no Israeli athletes been kicked out of International sports Tournaments or the entire nation under sanctions like Russia? After-all, they have done and continue to do exactly what Russia have done and have been doing it for decades? The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs put the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces at 6,050 with 138,114 injuries since 2009 and 49,532 Palestinian structures destroyed since 2019.
It is uncomfortable to answer why this is acceptable and endorsed by the West while the fate of Palestinians, Iraqi's, Syrian's and Afghans is largely overlooked, and that was answered by Western journalists at the very start of the conflict, before they were slapped down and told to begin choosing their words more carefully.
From CBS, 'Ukraine is a relatively civilized, relatively European city where you wouldn’t expect that it’s going to happen' and from the former deputy prosecutor general of Ukraine: 'It's very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed every day' and in France, BFM TV stated: 'We’re talking about Europeans leaving in cars that look like ours to save their lives'.
Writing in the Telegraph, Daniel Hannan explained: 'They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking' and that is it in a nutshell, they look like us and the implication is crystal clear, when the war victims seen are white 'civilised' Europeans we feel sympathy, when they are African blacks or Muslim browns then, well, they are not 'like us' are they and deemed not quite so worthy of our sympathy aka good old fashioned racism.

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