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Monday 13 June 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Yoruba God Olorun

Where with most Gods you just have the one, with me you get your money's worth because i'm three gods OLORUN the Lord of Heaven, OLODUMARE, the Ultimate Creator and OLOFI the Messenger which you must admit is Excellent value.
In OLODUMARE mode i saw that the universe consisted only of sky and a formless expanse of marshy water so i had some wonderfully ambitious blueprints for planet Earth which included some solid land, fields and forests, hills and valleys, and various living things to populate it and i prudently decided to delegate the job to my son Obatala and told him to get on with it as it just wouldn’t do for the Master of All things to get his majestic hands dirty.
Now Obatala did like a drink or two which is not a good thing when you have a holy mission to perform and on his way he gatecrashed a God-party and spent the rest of the evening roaring drunk but my other son, Oduduwa, spotted an opportunity and stole the holy building materials and did a little planet-constructing himself and to be fair, he did such a good job of it i promoted him to God of the newly renovated Earth.
As for the drunken muppet Obatala, he was punished with the tedious punishment of making men and women and he built some little clay figures which i breathed eternal life into and made them into humans but they kept multiplying and growing bigger and bigger after which they shrank into feeble old people. Because there were so many of them creeping around, they begged for me to free them from such a long life so i introduced the idea of death so the old, wrinkly ones died.
The water goddess Olokun wasn't best pleased that i had taken over the planet so she kept trying to flood the land to regain the area she had lost and we held a winner takes all weaving contest which obviously i won because you are not all living on houseboats.  
All in all the Earth isn't exactly what i had planned but it will do and it's a damned sight better than it would have been if a drunk Obatala had done it with his fumbling alcoholic fingers although i do sometimes look at some creatures like the penguin, duck billed platypus and hammer head shark and wonder if Oduduwa wasn't partial to a drop himself.

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