FOAB Information

Monday 13 June 2022

Take Care As Covid Rates Increasing Again

For many people, Covid was so last year but the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has warned that the pandemic isn't done and dusted just yet and the amount of infections in the UK is climbing again and even more worrying is that the increase is being driven by the 4th and 5th versions of the virus which have evolved to include a high rate of 'immune escape', meaning even the vaccinated immune system can no longer recognise or fight the virus.
Medical experts are keen to point out that these Omicron variations are not more severe but of course, it would be better to avoid getting Covid-19 at all, it is still potentially a killer and there are the negative health outcomes the disease is linked to such as long Covid.
It is highly unlikely that the UK Government would enter a lock-down scenario again and even if they did any health messages by the Government would be largely ignored, Boris and his lock-down partying means that that particular ship has well and truly sailed.
Seems then that we are going to have to live with it so the new solutions are the same as the old solutions with vaccines, masks in indoor settings, better ventilation and getting rid of the god-awful Tories.

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