FOAB Information

Friday 26 August 2022

Enough is Enough

It is hard to believe that we may be the sixth-richest country in the world but face a winter humanitarian crisis which the NHS are predicting will result in many deaths and hospitalisations.  
Due to the astronomical 80% rise in utility bills announced today, as well as the human cost countless shops and businesses will close thanks to a quadrupling of their energy bills which will curtail spending with economists stating that it will prove more devastating than the 2008 crash.
Today’s announcement of the new price cap set for household energy bills from October 1st is almost triple that of last winter and for many it is simply unaffordable for 25% of Brits who just dont have the income to pay the bill according to the Citizens Advice Bureau.
There is no point looking towards the Government as there is no Government to speak of, Boris Johnson spent his summer at parties and on holiday and failed to put up a single Minister to answer questions today following this mornings sobering announcement.
Of the two individuals who will become the next Prime Minister in two weeks, neither hold out any hope of rescue from the looming economic disaster
and Liz Truss, who is hotly expected to take the crown, has offered only tax cuts which benefit only those who pay the higher rate of tax, those who most need the help are the low earners who either pay no tax or pay very little so will not benefit from her delusional plan.
The UK is failing, we have an energy market that is unable to deliver an essential commodity at a price that people can afford while they rake in billions in profit while the water companies restrict access to water while leaking as much of a quarter of it through lack of investment and repairs and the finger of blame can be squarely pointed at the Conservative Parties years of Privitisation.  
The Government looked to make loans available to the public to pay the Utility Companies (which they later made into grants as anger over the cost of living crisis grew) yet they seem clueless on how to deal with the crisis but the public have an idea and are calling for the energy, water, rail and the postal services taken back into the public sector.
The Enough is Enough campaign to hold the Government responsible and take group action against the profiteers launched two weeks ago and had an initial goal of signing up 50,000 people but today it has 450,000 on board.
One of the most shameful things about living in England since 2010 has been the horrendous gap between the rich and the poor and under the successive Conservative Prime Ministers from David Cameron, Theresa May and now Boris Johnson it’s become yet larger and Truss’s awful tax plans are destined to make it even worse.
Without doubt we have had the most useless and incompetent Government in living memory at the worst possible times of a global pandemic and now the cost of living crisis so we can only hope that that this finally represents the rock bottom that will convince the country to do something about who we vote into power and what they do in our name.

1 comment:

  1. Be like the UK because privatising everything has worked out so well?
