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Friday 26 August 2022

Orwell, Khan, Me and Now Biden

Joe Biden has accused Republicans who aligned with Donald Trump of veering into semi-fascism but Sadiq Khan and i got there years before him because back in 2019 i put Trump and his supporters up against the George Orwell tick list of Fascism and lo and behold, they fitted that glove perfectly although they didn't particularly take it well but my response was 'Hey, it's not our fault if all the racist, xenophobic homophobes are on your side, try not being racist, xenophobic homophobes and you won't get called it'.
The most famous Fascists have to be Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini but it is undeniable that while he was in the White House, Trump scapegoated and demonised groups (Mexicans, the media, Muslims) refered to a glorious past and wished to return to it (Make America Great Again), never allowed any dissent or challenge (62 members of his staff sacked or resigned under pressure), tried to rid his Government of the decisions of previous leaders to create his own (Pretty much everything from Obama) and threatened to used the military on weaker and smaller nations (threatened to destroy North Korea, warned of the end of Iran, discussed sending the military to Venezuela, sent armed troops to the Mexico border).
Understandably, the Republicans, Trump supporters and the American right wing in general object to the word 'fascist' to describe them but it is not easy to find another word especially when’s some Trump supporters are decked out in 'Camp Auschwitz' T-shirts, waving Confederate flags and making 'Sieg Heil!' salutes.
The first time the Fascists came around in the 1930s they had the advantage of nobody knowing just what they were but nobody has that excuse today and you should question why, knowing what we know today, why anyone with at least one working brain-cell would want to be associated with them but obviously working brain-cells are in short supply so i would say Biden is spot-on and America had better hope the semi-fascists don't become fully fledged fascists.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone with a semblance of morals and more than a few working brain cells should never stop attacking the far right and the evil of the far right, you don’t need to be a journalist for that, just a decent human being.
