FOAB Information

Saturday 13 August 2022

Hey Conspiracy Nuts, It's Not Just Summer

There are always people who for whatever reason refuse to accept what is in-front of them and social media seems to have amplified the 'they are hiding something' crowd, one is my neighbour who delight's in pointing out the trails behind some planes and is incredulous that i refuse to believe her that it is a Government plot to spray us all with some chemical for some unknown reason, preferring to point out that they are called Contrails which is short for Condensation Trails so there is a massive clue in the name of exactly what they are.
Her latest social media inspired rant is against the Government in cahoots with the MET Office and the Media to scare us all into something or other totally bonkers with the current heatwave.  
Her initial evidence was that: 'It was hotter in 1976' although the the peak temperature in 1976 was 35.9C and this year it peaked at 40.3C so it patently wasn't hotter in the summer of 46 years ago.
Second is the way the MET Office manipulates the temperature figures by collecting data from airports which they do, along with over 200 other locations and each weather station is standardised to remove external factors such as heat from runways by being in identical white boxes, all facing the same way at the same height and positioned on grass to minimise the influence of man-made surfaces.
The next proof that the MET and Media are scaremongering us all into something is the use of a new dark red on the weather maps and as we know red is the color which screams danger. True, red is used when it is hot weather and blue is used when it is cold weather and as we have had red hot taps and blue cold taps since indoor plumbing was introduced, those are the standard colours to represent hot and cold on weather maps and have been since colour TV became a thing, the red is a deeper red this summer simply because it needs to be darker than the red used for other high temperatures for temperatures we've never experienced before.
What about weather warnings? Those are new and scary which would be right if the MET Office hadn't been issuing them since the 80's for wind, snow, rain, thunderstorms and heat but as the summers have been getting hotter, hence more heat warnings.
Finally, the good old reliable 'It's just summer, its always like this every year' so first off congratulations for knowing your seasons and then think again that it is like this every year as the average UK Summer maximum temperature here in the UK is 23-24C and this year we hit 16C higher than that which broke the hottest day record so dip your feet in the kids paddling pool, pop another few ice cubes in your glass and stop embarrassing yourself by ignoring what is staring you in your red, flushed, sweaty face.

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