FOAB Information

Sunday 14 August 2022

Time Travel Whistleblower Tell's All

The first rule of the Spatio Temporis Correctores is that you don't talk about the Spatio Temporis Correctores which means this post is buggered straight away as could be the career of the whistleblower who initially sparked controversy in the scientific community by blowing the  lid on Time Travel.
'The assumption was even if we did talk about it, nobody would believe us anyway because our business is subtly correcting things in history so certain events happen in the future' she explained in our late night meeting at a motorway cafe.
She explained how the Spatio Temporis Correctores idea was devised by Aristotle who would philosophise on how historical events determine the future but it wasn't until a combination of Albert Einstein's maths and Nikola Tesla's work with intense magnetic field's that the actual mechanics of time travel to came to fruition.
I prompted her to explain how it worked and she pushed a well thumbed book towards me which contained pages and pages of complicated equations and told me that even she couldn't explain most of what was in there but back at the start they discovered that time itself would not allow direct interference in any events which will change future history but Tesla found a loophole that a single, seemingly inconsequential event would allow the bigger changes to happen if it goes through enough other events.
I asked for an example and she came up with how in 2036 a physician will invent an inoculation which is given to new born babies which prevents their body developing Cancer cells, therefore ending Cancer but we had to make sure the right couple gave birth to him at the right time and the only time they were ever together was one day when they both went to buy a microwave in an electrical shop in their lunch break at the same time, dating and then marrying and giving birth to the child.
For them to meet there must be a microwave which came about from the Cold War which in turn came about following WW2 which only happened due to WW1 which started after Gavril Princip assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand outside a cafe but he was only outside the cafe because the bomb he threw at the Archduke's car missed because he couldn't get a clear throw.  
In the original timeline, the Archduke was killed by the bomb and Princip was seized by the crowd and arrested and handed over to the Austrian's who executed him so never declared war on Serbia and WW1 didn't happen so no WW2 and therefore no events which led to the microwave being invented and the day when both spent their lunch break at their work and never met.
By making sure that he didn't get the clear throw, let's say a group of people deliberately stood in his way as the Archdukes car came into sight, the chain of events which resulted in a Microwave and therefore that fateful meeting happened and the cure for Cancer was not set back hundreds of years and consigning billions of people to an early death.  
I sypmathised that nobody will ever know it was thanks to you and she agreed that by going back in time and changing things, to everyone it is business as usual as they didn't know there was an alternative but she did say that such was the uproar over her whistle-blowing that she will have no choice but to go back and not spill the beans after-all and she will as soon as i publish this post on the internet as proof that it happened until the space time equals itself out and the post removes itself, just as she did with lot's of Journalists back in 2009 when we last spoke and she dropped some hints into a post she helped me write.
Invariably, writing that post or having that meeting i don't remember but i guess that's the whole point and shows that it works.

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