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Saturday 3 September 2022

Breaking The Year Into Chunks

Apparently the end-of-Summer blues is a thing and with the changing season comes Autumn anxiety and depression and my first thought are who are these people who have panic attacks over Summer ending and all i could come up with are people with Summer jobs and kids who hate school.
When i noticed that the article was from the New York Times and it had helpful tips from Psychologists and Health experts on how to make the transition more smoother i thought ah, it's an American thing because if anything, most Brits are glad to see the back of Summer.
Of the four seasons, Summer and is probably my least favourite and i have bleated on here far too many times about stingy things, sunburn, hot sticky nights and third degree burns from my car seat but obviously some people like those things and miss them when the Calendar changes to September but what do the Experts say those (strange) people should do to avoid the Autumn depression.
If it wasn't obvious it was American than the first helpful tip made it plain because no-one in Britain would suggest you need to: 'Honor your own emotions and apply the treat yourself like you’d treat your friend rule' but apparently that's what the Psychologist's from the Emotion Regulation Lab suggest.
Okay, no idea what any of that means or what the treat yourself like your friend rule is although maybe it is something in America like no jay-walking or not playing Dominoes on a Tuesday or something but the next piece of advice is one that i fully subscribe to, look forward to something.
Many people like Halloween so there's that coming in October but they suggest it could be Christmas, Thanksgiving, the football season starting, a Birthday, a bit of Work leave, a new movie coming out or just about anything, just something that makes life a little more pleasant.
It is exactly how i set out my year, each January i sit down with my fresh new calendar and write in everything for the next 12 months breaking the year down into weeks between events so Husbands Birthday in January, Valentines 14 Feb, my birthday in April etc and when my annual leave is and if we are going anywhere, weddings, parties, anniversaries so every month while i walk past the calendar in the hall, there is something in blue biro standing out.       
Maybe that's why i don't feel anxiety or depression when the season changes and hey, maybe i have been treating myself as a friend all along and i just didn't know it.

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