FOAB Information

Thursday 8 September 2022

Which Lessons To Mothball?

School's are generally big buildings and take quite a bit of heating and as most Brits are facing a winter of selling the family silver to turn on the radiators, School budgets are being squeezed and discussions are going on around what may need to be sacrificed to allow for the heating bill and the majority of decision makers are coming down on what can be left out are Music lessons.  
For me lessons can be put into category's of essentialness with some which will have a detrimental effect on the students if they miss them so English Language, PE, Science and Math's are Category 1, History, Geography and English Literature are Category 2 which leaves the Category 3 Lessons which are classes such as Music, Drama and Art which i agree are important, but not as important as the first two categories and can therefore be mothballed if any of them really need to be and immediately reinstated once the crisis is over.
Budding musicians, actors and artists may not agree and i admit that when i was at school those were three lessons which i particularly enjoyed and especially Music which set me out on a lifetime of murdering classic tunes on my guitar and i do return to my paint and brushes every now and then and produce paintings which sometimes come out looking close to what i had in my minds eye and sometimes looking like they had been painted by a 4 year old at Nursery School, more Sinkhol than Warhol.
It is not so easy for me to make a case for Drama but then apart from a few school plays, i have never done anything which includes dressing up and pretending to be someone else although i can appreciate a decent actor or actress when i see one but i would put understanding Music and Art and how they are created and the emotions they can stir as more influential so sorry Drama but of the three, you would be the one i put on gardening leave in November and tell to come back in April.

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