FOAB Information

Saturday 10 September 2022

King Charles 1, 2 and 3

Going to be strange hearing the new Monarch being called King Charles because in my mind both the previous King Charles are linked with Oliver Cromwell in the 17th Century and a reference point for the English Civil War, the Plague and the Great Fire of London.
The first Charles sparked the English Civil War in 1642 (think Cavaliers and Roundheads) when he got stroppy with Parliament (the Roundheads) over his overspending, religion and wars in Europe which didn't end too well for him as his head ended up in a basket which allowed Olivers Cromwell and his brilliantly named New Model Army to run things until the Monarchy was reinstated (the reformation) and the second Charles took over in 1660 and undid all the things Cromwell banned such as Christmas.  
The Plague and the Great Fire of London in 1666 get a mention because King Charles II helped to put out the fire and the fire ended the Great Plague so that's a hatful of historical events and dates stored in my brain.
It's pretty unlikely that Charles Version 3 will spark off a war with Parliament, the Royals these days are more about jetting off around the World and waving at people than passing laws and this one isn't going to mess with my cack-handed way of remembering history classes unless he really annoy's Liz Truss and the Conservatives and then we will be looking at Elvis Costello to make another brilliant song about how he would rather be anywhere else but here today.

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