FOAB Information

Sunday 11 September 2022

Other People Died Last Thursday Also

 It is sad whenever anybody dies and it is undoubtedly an awful event and a matter of deep, deep sadness for the family involved as when someone you love dies it goes without saying that the sadness is all encompassing but every day we hear about the deaths of people unrelated to us and in comparison it barely registers once the news item moves on or we turn the page of the newspaper.
On average, in the UK, 1,564 die each day, during the pandemic the grim figure hit a peak of 2,900 a day and for each of those deaths someone, somewhere was in mourning and while we may empathise with those who have lost loved ones and reflect on those who touched our lives from afar, as tragic as the death of the Queen was for her family, i don't understand the outpouring of grief about someones death that we never actually knew and most of us never even met.
It is right that when that person is high profile, we reflect upon their lives achievements and discuss it but we do that with anyone who dies even if they are not deemed famous enough to take the top story slot on the news or a pull-out souvenir section in the newspaper which doesn't make their passing any less sadder.
Kevin Bridges is getting a hard time for saying of the Queen that: 'She’s not going to be the only old woman to die this winter' and he is right, the Office of National Statistics report into Excess Cold Homes Deaths in 2021 was 8,500 people in England and Wales last winter and with the ongoing cost of living crisis and sky-rocketing energy bills, sadly that number is widely expected to be easily exceeded this winter as old people will likely die because they can't afford to turn on their heating.
It is fine to feel sad about the Queen and for her family but remember that on average 1,564 other families also lost loved ones last Thursday and they went without mention and there will be more old woman and old men who will die this winter and some you may know or have met and for that you can blame the Government, the Utility Companies, Vladimir Putin or whoever you want to point the finger at but the Queen never died due to her being unable to afford to turn on her heating so yes it was sad and condolences to the family but there are more cases worthy of real sympathy than a multi-millionaire who lived in Castles and Palaces, travelled in a golden carriage and had her every whim seen to for her whole life.

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