FOAB Information

Friday 7 October 2022

Government Sucks So Thanks Ofgem

Strange that the Government have mentioned the possibility of three hour rolling blackouts to save energy in the winter but also said the likelihood of them happening is almost nil.
I say if the possibility is so negligible that it is hardly worth mentioning, then why mention it at all but the cynic in me chips in that it is either more likely than they are letting on the other-side of Winter they can claim the measures they took literally 'kept the lights on' and give themselves a slap on the back.
What they certainly are not doing is giving out advice on how to save electric because that would be 'nannying' and they like to treat us as big boys and girls who can work for ourselves but that hasn't stopped other nations giving out the advice and enforcing some changes.  
Italians have been told to turn their heating down by one degree, and off for an extra hour a day and the French Government have said that homes and offices will be heated to a maximum of 19C, there will be no hot water in public buildings, and the temperature in swimming pools and gyms will also be reduced.
A ban on doors being left open in heated or air-conditioned shops has also been introduced while the Spanish Government have enforced the 19C rule and said that all lights in shop windows must be turned off after 22:00 and Germany has stopped lighting up public monuments and buildings and turned off the heating in the entrances, corridors and foyers of public buildings.

The Government may be next to useless but at least the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, (Ofgem) have been quick to give out some energy saving tips inlcuding:

Set the heating and hot water to come on only when required.
Set the Hot wayer cylinder thermostat to 60oC (140oF).
Close your curtains at dusk to stop heat from escaping through the windows.
Check for draughts too.
Always turn off the light when you leave a room.
Use energy-saving light bulbs.
Don’t leave appliances on standby
Only charge laptops and mobile phones when necessary.
When using the washing machine, fully load the appliance.
Try to only boil the water you need.
Dry your clothes outside during nice weather

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