FOAB Information

Tuesday 4 October 2022

Reputation Saved Yet Rebekah?

I'm guessing Rebekah Vardy didn't have any friends close enough to say to her you know what Rebekah, this libel case may not be such a good idea which is why she know has to pay millions of pounds to the woman she sued for libel.
A quick recap is required at this point so Coleen Rooney accused Vardy of leaking private information she obtained on Instagram to the Sun which Vardy denied and took Roony to court for damaging her reputation.
Her agent unfortunately dropped her phone containing potentially incriminating Whatapp messages over the side of a boat days after being ordered to hand it over for a forensic examination by Mrs Rooney's legal team and had 'forgotten' the password to a potentially incriminating lap top while admitting to selling stories to the Sun about other footballers.
Now we are at the end game and the final decision from the judge is that: 'It is likely that Ms Vardy deliberately deleted her WhatsApp chat with Ms Watt, and that Ms Watt deliberately dropped her phone in the sea' while Vardy: 'knew of, condoned and was actively engaged in the process of leaking stories about Rooney to the Sun' and ordered her to pay Coleen Rooney court costs of £1.5 million.
Ironically, it was the loss of the potentially vital evidence that had driven up the final bill as Coleen’s pursuit of that evidence increased her costs substantially Vardy has made a start on earning the money to pay Coleen, being paid for an exclusive interview with TalkTV, the television channel owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News UK which also owns The Sun Newspaper so paid by the Sun owners and not for the first time obviously.

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