FOAB Information

Tuesday 4 October 2022

We Certainly Live In Interesting Times

 There is a saying that goes 'Ladies and Gentlemen, we live in interesting times' and since 2016 it has certainly been that because it is hard to remember a time since i entered journalism in 1987 that such a succession of 'interesting things' have happened in such short space of time.
Brexit, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, a global pandemic and Britain getting a new King have all happened in the last 6 years which will all give historians plenty of material to focus on in the future although they probably won't be calling it a golden age, more of a shitty brown one but nobody can say it hasn't been interesting, window shakingly awful certainly, but not boring and it doesn't seem to be finished just yet.  
Brexit is probably going to lead to the break up of the UK, Scotland will eventually get their second referendum and this time, according to the polls, they probably will pick up their bagpipes and go home and Northern Ireland is being politically pushed further and further away from the rest of the UK that it seems inevitable that it will decide that teaming up with the Republic is the easiest option and then it will just be us English and the Welsh and even they are making noises about going their own way so the words Great Britain and United Kingdom will be consigned to the shelf to gather dust alongside the names USSR and Yugoslavia.
Donald Trump is threatening to make another run at the American Presidency and despite what a laughably atrocious job he made of it last time, it seems there are enough American's who look at his record and think: 'Actually, i think despite everything, i'd give him another go' and will vote for him, apparently he is the favourite to become the Republican Candidate which is a burning indictment of the American legal system that he isn't sitting in a cell with all expenses paid by The Man.
The Conservative Party have been playing Musical Chairs with their leaders which is how we got Boris Johnson who bought his own brand of leadership to the job along with bottles of Heineken, Coors and everything else in the Off-License although nobody was surprised when the man who had been twice previously sacked for lying, lied his way out of the door only to somehow already be the bookies favourite to succeed new prime minister Liz Truss who promised to hit the ground running and did exactly that before immediately tripping over her own laces and face-planted the floor. It takes a special kind of awful for your own side to be plotting to remove you before you have been in the job a fortnight.
The Government decided to play a game of it nobody mentions the pandemic then it doesn't exist anymore and the backside on the British throne now belong to King Charles III, the previous backside now laid in a crypt in Windsor Castle so all in all it has been interesting times and maybe in our dotage, we can look back and have a slightly demented laugh about the years 2016 to 2026, the WTF just happened years.

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