FOAB Information

Saturday 22 October 2022

Lettuce 1 Truss 0

It's hard to imagine an incompetent brain surgeon or astronaut, you would hope the awful ones would be weeded out long before they made it to the operating table or launchpad so in those important professions you are safe to assume that only the cream would rise to the top but it seems that in politics having a negligible moral code and almost mesmeric stupidity is no hindrance to reaching the top seat.
The Liz Truss Prime Ministerial ship may have gone down on the iceberg of incompetence, an incompetence so colossal that it's a wonder she ever made it out her own front door in the morning, but she will now have a single line in the British History Books as the 56th British Prime Minster between Boris Johnson and whoever gets foisted upon us next and it may say *Resigned next to it but in her short tenure she accomplished a lot.
Of her 44 days in power, 10 days were lost due to the period of mourning after the Queen died and then there was 4 days of Party Conference so in effect she was in charge for only 30 days which makes it even more impressive that her ideologically driven ideas on economics which led to the pound falling to it's lowest-ever level against the dollar, the gilt market collapsing, the Bank of England forced to intervene and buy up £65bn of government bonds to save pension funds and global markets went all WT Actual F and even the IMF issued a diplomatic 'you moron' rebuke.
If we put to one side her role in the estimated 5 million families facing an average rise in annual mortgage payments of £5,100 and the £90 billion black hole she left in the Government budget which seems almost inevitable that a return to severe austerity is needed to plug, with all that parked elsewhere we can concentrate on those things that, despite everything else, she got right.
Firstly she made lettuce popular again when the Daily Star put a live stream of a lettuce against a picture of her at number 10 and asked which would last longer (Spoiler Alert: the lettuce won) and the Conservative Party are so far behind in the polls that Keir Starmer would have to be photographed punching a midwife in the face with a kitten to fail to win the next election so making the nasty party unelectable is a pleasant side effect of her bungling.
Right Wing ideology has never been great, think Hitler and his Concentration Camps, George W Bush invading Iraq and Donald Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord but staying inside Stormy Daniels and it was obvious where a zealously right wing economy would lead to and it has, i just hope all the weeping of the newly homeless families in doorways don't disturb your sleep too much.
So bye then Liz, it was thankfully short and not particularly sweet and it's onwards and downwards in the search for the third Prime Minister in four months and judging by the recent reverse evolution track record of the next Conservative leader being worse then the one who preceded them, Cameron to May to Johnson to Truss to the Daily Star limp Lettuce seems the natural choice.

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