FOAB Information

Friday 21 October 2022

No To Boris Mk2

Obviously we should be penciling in the date of the General Election by now but whoever steps up to replace Liz Truss who's tenure as prime minister was shorter than the leadership contest that put her there, is under no obligation to call one.                                   
As the Conservative Party are on average 30 points behind Labour, even they have too much sense to call one they know they will be heavilly beaten at so on we plod in this Democracy with the second Conservative Prime Minister the public never voted for and with Rishi Sunak and Penny Mourdant hoping for a better result this time around as they are one of three expected to put their names forward with the third being the answer to the question: Who would think a lying, narcissist was the answer to this crisis? Boris Johnson does apparently.                                                         
The man ousted as UK prime minister by his own government just three months ago, is said to be 'taking soundings' to see if he has enough support to throw his beer stained hat in the ring although being under investigation by the Parliamentary Standards Committee for lying to the House of Commons doesn’t  seem to bother the few MP's who are as excited as a monkey with the keys to the gates of a banana plantation at the prospect.                                          
The idea that the answer to their crisis is a lying, corrupt, amoral, entitled, self-absorbed, cunning, treacherous man who broke his own laws is something that tells you everything about the Conservatives who are thinking of it so this might be a good time to remind them what a shitshow unfolded under Boris the first time. In alphabetical order: 

Arcurigate where he denied having an affair with Jennifer Arcuri despite her saying they had been involved for four years.
Brexitgate where the trade deal he negotiated cost the UK £100bn a year in lost economic output and signed up to arrangements on Northern Ireland that the Government has desperately been trying to get out of ever since.
Covidgate where Johnson’s initial response to the spread of the coronavirus was to miss the first five Cobra meetings and embraced an early strategy to aim for herd immunity saying 'he would prefer the let the bodies pile high then have another lock-down. Scientists put his delays at costing 30,000 extra deaths.
Cummingsgate where he backed his adviser, Dominic Cummings, who drove with his family to Durham while ill with Covid
Kabulgate where he left thousands of people desperate to flee on the tarmac as he prioritised the evacuation of staff and pets of an animal welfare charity
Partygate where he said 'all the rules were followed' during the Covid lock-down although the investigations discovered leaving dos, birthday gatherings, a Christmas quiz, an ABBA party and became the first Prime Minister to be criminally sanctioned in office.
Patersongate where rather than suspend his friend Owen Paterson when he was found by the parliamentary commissioner to have committed a breach of lobbying rules, attempted to have the rules rewritten to get him off.
Pinchergate where he denied sexually assault allegations against Chris Pincher after he groped two men and then admitted actually, he knew all about them.
PPEgate where the Johnson government established a 'VIP lane' for much needed equipment by which friends and associates of senior Tories received preferential consideration in the supplying of contracts which the high court has since ruled was illegal.
Queengate where he lied to the Queen over proroguing parliament that the supreme court later ruled unlawful.
Track and Tracegate where he introduced a system that cost the equivalent of a fifth of the entire NHS England budget, yet MPs found 'made no measurable difference to the impact of the pandemic'.
Wallpapergate where he told his standards adviser that he didn’t know who paid for the Downing Street renovation until it emerged he had sent Whatapp messages to the donor Lord Brownlow, asking for more money.

As anyone who had considered getting back with an ex has probably heard, the golden rule is if they weren’t good enough for you then, what has substantially changed to make them good enough for you now and the answer is nothing, he will still be lying, immoral, egotistical, cheating, murderous, narcissistic, treacherous lech he always was, which actually makes him the ideal Tory leader.

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