FOAB Information

Tuesday 29 November 2022

Religion In Retreat

Britain has never been that religious a country with under 1% attending Church with any regularity so the latest results from the 2021 Census that the no religion box was ticked by 37.2% of the population, up from 28% a decade ago, is no surprise although the Churches answer of making Christ more widely known is because i am of the mind that the more you look into the writing of the Bible, the more you realise what a load of cobblers it is.
Most people come to religion through their parents who introduce it to their children from birth and have it reinforced through visits to Holy places, school and other grown ups although some, when they are old enough to think for themselves, question what they have been told and arrive at the conclusion that  it isn't what they were told.
I always think if you have looked at the 'evidence' and still believe, then you haven't looked hard enough because it all falls away once you have a serious look at it and the way that it came about and the damage that is does around the World.
With Christmas fast approaching, it is common knowledge that the Church shoehorned their guy into the Roman Saturnalia Winter Festival, the Church even fudged the date of birth of their man to cash in on an established festival which they also did with Easter which was another Spring Festival celebrating the Pagan Fertility Goddess Eostre.
Almost every tale in the Bible was plagarised from existing religions when the Christian Marcion of Sinope created the Bible by pulling together all the best stories from the other religions and erased the original names and inserted his own so Jesus's birth to a virgin was 'borrowed' from India's Buddha and Romes own Mithra, Garden Of Eden from Persia's Ormuzd, Noah's Ark swiped from Babylonian's Utnapishtim and Jonah and the Whale plagarised from the Hindu's Saktideva but it gradually evolved to the Book that gets thumped today.
Religion of all flavours has easily been the cause of most death and destruction on the Planet in some God or anothers name, watch any news station or read any newspaper to see how that is continuing today so i would love to know what the religious folk have seen, heard, read, watched or been told that makes them believe despite knowing that it is just the Johnny come lately on the religious scene with great PR despite being it blatantly being begged, borrowed and stolen from other religions.


  1. Still with the classy language I see, anyway, read a newspaper, watch the news and pick up a history book sometime. You might be surprised

  2. 'mao, lenin, stalin have the lead by a long shot'.

    And Mao, Lenin and Stalin in your list as per your comment above?

  3. Wow, it’s bizarre but all those Sunday mornings you could have been in a library educating yourself wasted i, oh well, hallelujah and all that
