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Tuesday 29 November 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Mikhail Gorbachev

I went from combine harvester driver to leader of the Soviet Union, the last leader as it turned out because after just 3 years of my leadership, the name USSR was being rubbed out of Atlas's all over the World as i was clearing out my desk that final day in 1991 and looked around and thinking: 'What the hell just happen?  
I withdrew troops from the Soviet–Afghan War and embarked on summits with United States president Ronald Reagan to limit nuclear weapons and end the Cold War between America and the USSR who were bitter enemies with only the threat of MAD, or mutual assured destruction, keeping each from destroying the other.
There was a brief period when Ronald Reagan came along and you thought that bloke could just be crazy enough but he turned out to be even crazier than we thought, making important decisions based upon advice from his astrologer so it was only by the grace of his 7th house not disappearing up Uranus that we all escaped unscathed.
Despite this, i had a good relationship with him, one time at a summit in Geneva we took a walk together and Reagan asked me if the USSR would help the US if aliens attacked and when i said we would, he said the US would do the same were the Soviets in the sights of an alien's Space lasers. An altogether different kind of MAD.
Seriously, if they didn’t have military hardware and a total disregard for human life, it would be impossible to take these guys seriously but that was before i had the plan to relax things in the Communist Soviet Union and move towards a more gentler social democracy but as you probably noticed, this plan had one fatal flaw, and that fatal flaw was the entire plan.
It was my predecessor Andropov who realised that the Soviet Defence budget was crippling us and he started the reformations which i continued although where i envisioned a gradual change over the course of a decade or two, within a few short years the Soviet Union had broken up and Communism was falling down all around Eastern Europe.
Domestically, my policy of Glasnost and Perestroika went down well but the situation that i began rolling kind of got away from me and before i realised what was happening, it had snowballed and i had done myself out of a job.
It may have earned me the Nobel Peace Prize but as the USSR crumbled, my powers were transferred to Russian President Boris Yeltsin who's political endeavours are best summed up by the story that he once was so drunk while flying to a meeting in Scotland that he couldn't get off the plane.  
I spent my new found free-time winning a Nobel Peace Prize, starring in Pizza Hut advertisements and making an album of love songs while Yeltsin did what he did best, getting pissed and passing out before dropping dead and Putin took over and as i have been a critic of his, i added avoid not been quietly murdered by him to my hobbies.     
As for my legacy, well America may have won the Cold War but Russia paid off the last of our debt in 2017, the home of Capitalism is more than £23 trillion in debt so this is the world you created, try not to choke on it Comrades.

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