FOAB Information

Monday 28 November 2022

What Happened?

I'm not sure what happened while i was out of the country but not only do we have the same Prime Minister as the one who was there when i left four weeks ago but i have come back to see Matt Hancock has finished third in I'm A Celebrity. That would be the Matt Hancock who did such an awful job as Health Secretary during the Covid Pandemic and was forced to resign for breaking the rules he drilled into us daily we had to follow.  
I deliberately avoided the news courtesy of having a Virgin Mobile contract which means my phone has no service and is a useless slab of plastic in my pocket when not in the UK unless i'm on the Hotel's Wifi which i didn't bother with because i was either too full of Mulled Wine, picking through a plate full of vegetables which constitutes a vegetarian meal or building a snowman which is harder than it looks on TV. If any of the snowmen we built came to life during the night it would be a scary sight, not so much Frosty the Snowman and more Freddy the Snowman as in Kreuger.
As for Hancock, he was meant to turn up in the Jungle, be forced into endless consecutive Bushtucker Trials until his will was broken at which point the British public would gang up and send him packing at the first opportunity so how he went from villain to third place in a popularity contest i neither understand nor want to.
Maybe he came across as so utterly pathetic that a natural audience sympathy kicked in or he maybe made a heart-felt plea about seeking forgiveness for groping the woman he was having an affair with while telling us to avoid visiting our loved ones dying in hospital or how he was throwing a steel ring around care homes when he was actually sending Covid patients directly to them.
The World Cup started and were lucky enough to be in Munich to watch them lose 2-1 to Japan and discover what Wir Sind Scheiße means and as luck would have it was in Brussels on our way home when Belgium lost to Morocco and the Belgians decided the best way to commiserate was to have a riot although the water cannons and tear gas did look pretty in the evening light from our hotel window.
Now i'm back home and the memories of mountains, snow and wondering if i could still keep my job if i lose most of my fingers to frostbite are fading but my camera has 931 pictures on it and the revenge is going to be sweet to all those colleagues who insisted on showing me their summer holiday pictures in July and August.
You'd better grab yourself a coffee because this may take some time! 

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