FOAB Information

Tuesday 27 December 2022

Hanging On To Christmas

The wrapping from the presents is still in the kitchen bin but for some Christmas has gone, i know of some people who have taken down their Decoration already and walking around the Town Center this morning the Christmas Shop was packing its wares away and the Supermarket was moving all the Christmas
remnants to the front of the shop and sticking reduced stickers on them.
Always make me feels a bit sad once the lights and decorations come down, i leave mine up until i have been nagged enough to take them down, usually around mid January, but this week always feels a bit of a strange one because it's the lull after Christmas and the rush towards New Years and once Auld Lang Syne has been sung and the fresh calendar hung on the kitchen wall, it's all back to normal.
What does happen this week is the email/text from work asking for a review of the year and this year has been a crazy one, i did say we before that we certainly don't live in boring times but maybe next year we could do with a little less excitement.
Leaving aside the mess of British politics, it seems that this year is the one where Climate Change really went up a notch with extreme weather events aplenty including record temperatures and the now usual floods and storms, it may have shut up the Climate Change Deniers (unbelievably there are still a few of those dinosaurs around) but there is little satisfaction in saying 'we told you' when people are dying from them.
I do plan to keep Christmas going as long as possible, i am in no rush to get back to the Sunday night/Monday morning commute and changing Heart FM Xmas back to a normal radio station and having to worry about what ridiculously nasty thing the Conservative Party are now advocating, i am just going to watch the Hallmark Christmas Movies recorded onto the TIVO Box, keep singing along with the Festive songs on the radio, eating Quality Street and not answer my neighbours texts about getting his Good News Blog going until the last possible moment and real life comes crashing back in unavoidably. 

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