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Wednesday 28 December 2022

Special Guest Blogger Awards

Welcome to the award ceremony for the Special Guest Bloggers where genres are rewarded with, well nothing because the only criteria was to be dead and be famous and every genre has been represented by the 712 famous dead bloggers.

The views have been counted and the first award is for the most popular Pope which goes to the Pope who came up with the idea of Purgatory, Pope Eugenius IV.

Science has played a huge part in mankind moving on from the idea that the Sun went around the Earth and leeches attached to body parts was a medical miracle but the top scientist from all the science bods represented used only a cardboard box and a cat of undetermined life, Erwin Schrödinger.

Someone once said that If music be the food of love, then play on but this man stopped playing in 2004 when his prostate gave out on him, the most popular musician is Johnny Ramone.

There have been over 4,000 Gods since man first looked around and thought ‘How did all this get here?’ and invented something to explain it and the top God has come all the way from New Zealand, the Maori god of darkness, Whiro.    
Christianity may be the Johnny Come Lately of religious ideologies but it has taken the World by storm thanks to an adventure novel called the Bible and this award goes to the most popular Bible Character and in a very strong field this guy may only have had a small part in the book but forms the Ying to Gods Yang, please put your hands together for Satan.

There has been many Saints, probably more than the Catholic Church has scandals but the top Saint is the man who called himself 'the only Saint who ever who died of the squirts on the way to war', the man seated closest to the toilets, Saint Louis of France.

The next award is for top actor or actress and I am delighted to say Olivia Newton John, you are the one that we want.

Great Britain has had a Royal backside on the throne since the 9th Century but the most popular Royal backside was sat on one until September 2022 so give us a wave Queen Elizabeth II and then come up and get your Top Royal award.

The final award is for the top writer who also happens to be the most viewed special guest blogger of all time, a man who wrote about what he knew and what he knew was how to steal anything which wasn’t nailed down, Ladies and Gentleman, put your hands together and then put them on your valuables, the most viewed Special Guest Blogger, Mr Francois Villon.  

That concludes our award ceremony so thank you and congratulations to all our winners of the awards which were so popular that people were literally dying to get their hands on them. Boom Boom!!

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