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Wednesday 8 March 2023

Ghosts Not For Me Thanks

I do like to watch the paranormal programmes on the TV which is lucky because there are plenty of them. I don't buy into there being ghosts and spirits  hanging around but i did have a thought last night while watching one team or another trying desperately trying to get some spirit to throw something around.
Since 2002 and Yvette Fielding began tramping around haunted castles and things with their cameras, never have they actually recorded one and neither have any of the other hundreds of teams doing the same all around the World.
Surely by now at least one of them would have taped something which wasn't a barely recognisable smudge in the vague shape of a person if you squint your eyes hard enough or a Electronic Voice Phenomena which is hardly audible.
Even if the professionals have not managed to catch anything, camera phones are everywhere so someone should have captured something but nope so great these types of shows are great for entertainment value but as for ghosts and spirits living in some sort of limbo beside us, until i see one for myself and i am not holding my breath, i will remain a skeptic.

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