FOAB Information

Wednesday 8 March 2023

Tories Miss Open Goal Over Sue Gray

The Conservatives thoiuight they had Keir Starmer on the ropes over the hiring Sue Gray but then they went and ruined it by insisting that the report into Partygate she presented which not so much as pointed the finger at Boris Johnson but more poked him repeatedly in the eye was some sort of stitch up to remove
the Prime Minister.
They obviously got together top decide it because they are all saying the same thing without thinking it through that Starmer and Gray would have had to have arranged all the parties, made Boris attend them, arranged for a photographer and then remove the original investigator and manoeuvre her into a position to then write the report.
Then, the cherry on the cake was to ensure the cabinet then resigned on mass to force Boris out of No 10 and its job done which even for some of the Tories, must be a bit of a stretch but that's the idea they have hit upon and they will stick with it.
That one even called for her to resign shows just how across the moment they were, considering that is exactly what she did and took a job with the Labour Party but if they had thought about it properly, they could have had Labour dangling precariously as it isnt great optics that the woman who did such a hatchet job on the Government has not taken a job with the opposition, taking with her a big folder labelled 'Tory Secrets'.
That they never and completely missed the open goal, shows that they are as inept as we thought.

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