FOAB Information

Thursday 20 April 2023

Let's Not But Say We Did

I was handed a leaflet today but instead of doing what i usually do when i am handed a leaflet in the street which is drop it in the nearest bin, i glanced at it and noticed the large writing at the top which boldly declared 'Why You Can Stop Worrying About Climate Change', and assumed it was from one of the whack-a-doodle Climate Change Denying groups but it turns out that it wasn't, it was from the local whack-a-doodle Evangelical Church.    
With my interest piqued, i had a read and it turns out that despite us thinking we are in control, we aren't, God is, and as the Earth and us humans were his creation, then he won't let us all die or rather not until God decides and judges the Earth with fire and creates new Heavens and new Earth.
You see God cares for what he has made and after the flood, he made a promise to humans that: 'While the Earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease (Genesis 8:22)'.
It goes on to say that rather than worrying about the changing Climate, we should leave that to God and concentrate on the poor and needy and the answer to environmental issues: 'isn’t more laws, bigger fines, or more power to the government. The answer is the gospel of Jesus Christ!'
There you go then, stop worrying about killer heatwaves, floods and extreme weather, just fall to your knees and send up a prayer to the man in the clouds instead because that could work just as well, obviously it won't and to think it would work is nucking futs and there is a reason why all the top Environmental Scientists congregate at the UN to try and sort out the worsening problem and not gathering around a Bible at Saint Paul's Cathedral. 


  1. I never worry about God, that's for the truly gullible people.

  2. Not particularly
