FOAB Information

Thursday 20 April 2023

Today Is...Chinese Language Day

Because the Internet is full of drunk Australians and Americans discussing guns, China sensibly blocks most of the web from the sensitive eyes of it's Chinese citizens.
Sensible because who wants to see a bunch of English people discussing the Royal Family and tea non-stop but that also means that the Chinese people can't read this blog which is a real shame as i think they would enjoy it.
It is unlikely that China will relax its internet access laws anytime soon so they have created their own sites to replace Facebook, Twitter and Youtube which we can access.
In China they get on Renren, send Weibo's through Sina Weibo and access clips of cats doing cute things in Youku and as every fifth person is Chinese, that's a lot of people Weiboing and Renrening each other.
The Chinese Government can be a bit jumpy so they have been banning things that the Chinese can see on the internet.
Terms banned on Weibo include:'Ten thousand years', 'Disagree', 'Xi Zedong', 'Shameless', 'Lifelong', 'Personality cult', 'Emigrate' and 'Immortality'.
Also banned are the titles of two George Orwell books, '1984' and 'Animal Farm' and amusingly 'Winnie The Pooh' who Jinping is likened to and admittedly, i can see that, he does look kinda pooh-like.
Bizarrely though, another victim is the letter 'N' although nobody can quite work out what the 14th letter of the alphabet has done to annoy the Chinese.
I remember struggling and not learning algebra at school where n was used to represent something algebraic so if the Chinese Government is striking out against useless maths equations then i can support this but somehow i don't think so so good luck to the people in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai though if the 'n' is being censored.
Alas Australians will always be drunk, Americans will always be obsessed with guns and the British will always drink tea by the bucket so China will not experience this bloggers views on things but just in case there is an internet cafe somewhere in Beijing offering access to Western sites for a few renminbi, 你好中国 不要担心 您不丢失.

1 comment:

  1. We look down our noses at everyone, former colonies or not.
