FOAB Information

Sunday 14 May 2023

Exciting Innovation's In The Pipeline

Us humans are a complex bunch, we are capable of creating things of immense beauty as well of being capable of depraved cruelty to each other and create inventions which can immeasurably improve all our lives as well as invent horrific weapons to wipe out millions of souls in the blink of an eye.  
Innovation and technology have played a significant role in shaping the world we live in and back in the 1970's and 80's we had a TV programme called Tomorrow's World which would showcase innovations which could be available to us at some point in the future such as the Home Computer, cashless transactions, mobile phones and even the Internet.  
Although we have no idea what the next innovation will be, i asked a group of scientists which exciting things are in the pipeline which will could change the world as much as those shown to us by a low budget 70s show?
First up is 3D Printing and not just for manufacturing as per now but we are tantalisingly close to printing living tissue, including organs such as hearts and livers for transplants.
Staying in the Medical Theatre, the use of Artificial Intelligence to diagnose and treat diseases quicker by analysing more accurately and quicker than any human could leading to earlier and more unique, targeted treatments based on a patient’s genetics, lifestyle, and medical history.
I won't even pretend to understand what Fusion Power is about but Science is making significant progress in it and apparently it has the potential to provide a clean and virtually limitless source of energy using the Earths abundant hydrogen sources such as water and the several experimental fusion reactors are currently under development.
Red Dwarf famously had Nanobots and the Boys From The Dwarf were ahead of the curve because Nanotechnology is almost a thing and involves the manipulation of matter on an incredibly small scale, thousands of times smaller than the width of a human hair.
It's uses include targeting and killing diseased cells in the body as well as electronics, manufacture, construction and pretty much everything in between so certainly exciting and potentially World changing developments and in classic 1970's BBC understatement: 'It's clever isn't it'.

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