FOAB Information

Sunday 14 May 2023

Solving A Problem Like Global Warming

At Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, they have measured atmospheric CO2 at it's highest level in human history, a staggering 423.01 ppm.
To put that into context, at the start of the Industrial Revolution the atmospheric CO2 was between 260 and 280 ppm and had been  during the 10,000 years up to the mid-18th century.
Scientists, using Antarctic and Greenland ice cores have pointed out that the current rates of increase of the concentration of the major greenhouse gases are unprecedented over at least the last 800,000 years and when we passed the 400 ppm threshold, the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere may be the highest since the mid Pliocene warm period, 14 million years ago.
Obviously, unless you are terminally stupid, you know that that more Carbon in the Atmosphere leads to Global Warming and the catastrophic results of extreme weather hence the record breaking climate events but for some of the more hard of thinking amongst us, that is too much for their tiny brains so they either ignore it, say it's too late and we can't do anything about it now or unbelievably refuse the evidence of their own somewhat slow senses and say things like climate change is a myth.
It is true that while we have known about the consequences of Global Warming and Climate Change for decades with the first warnings coming in the early 20th Century, we have been reluctant to do anything to sort it out and some have even said that Capitalism could fix it despite it being Capitalism which caused it in the first place so it seems we need to kick Capitalism into touch to begin solving it.
This is good on two levels because getting rid of Capitalism would not only solve Climate Change but it would literally fix almost every other problem on the Planet right now so what's not to like about it?

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