FOAB Information

Friday 19 May 2023

More Dead Russian's Won't Stop The War

What are the plans for the Ukraine war which seems destined to go on until either Ukraine surrenders, Russia runs out of weapons or Donald Trump makes it back into the White House and cuts Zelenskyy loose on behalf of his pal and holder of THAT video tape, Vladimir Putin.
The current game plan seems to be to keep shoveling more powerful weapons towards Ukraine and the UK has chosen to do their bit by handing over tanks and following that up with delivering long-range missiles to the Kiev Government The Storm Shadow’s range of 200 miles make it obviously appealing to Ukraine who's current US Himars missiles have a range of 47 miles and desire more heavier weapons to defend their territory from the invading Russians.
The West therefore seem steadfastly committed to war and appear keen to escalate the situation with the strategy seeming to be the way to force the Russians to back down is by giving the Ukraine the capability to increase the cost to Russia with the costs being dead Russians which will raise to such a level that Russia will withdraw.
What will happen is that Russia, nuclear armed remember, will escalate their own attacks and further violence and death will ensue and Russians and Ukrainians will die in much greater numbers.
Handing over weapons to help one nation kill more of another nation makes me very uneasy and i have yet to hear how bigger and badder weapons will make an awful situation any better but more importantly, i have yet to hear of anyone making any overtures of peace talks.
If your strategy depends upon Russia being dragged out of the war due to the leader being forced out by a rapidly climbing death toll of it's troops then that is a long wait so where are the leaders clambering for peace talks because throwing fuel onto a fire, or in this case weapons which can kill more and at a further distance, is the master plan of halfwits.

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